So, I wanted to write a blogg about something, but I didn't know what. Then I realized, probably in annoyance to everyone else, that pineapple upside down cake day is in TWO days! In two more days!
We used to have pineapple upside down cake made in a cast iron stove while we were up in the cabin camping. Oh my gosh, heaven was in that stove. Hehe, it was sooo good.
Speaking of camping, I was remembering how fun it was and I wanted to talk about how fun it was to camp. Lol, that was a very well constructed sentence.
So, we used to go to horny toad hill, okay it wasn't really literally named that by a professional hill namer, but me and my siblings named it that. Now when we go there, which was like almost a year ago, the hill looks no larger than a small ant hill. But, when we were little, it was humongous! And there were horny toads on the hill! They had very soft bellies and hard backs. It was fun to hold them. Except I think their escape mechanism was to poop on you because they did that often, then we wouldn't hold them anymore lol.
Anyways, camping is fun. Especially in a tent. I actually prefer tents to cabins. I am not really sure why, maybe because whenever we went to the cabin when I was little we had to use the outhouse. And since there was no inside outhouse, we even had to use it in the middle of the night, when bears and cougars come out. Yes.. I think thats why I prefer tents to cabins.. well maybe because you still have to go outside when you sleep in a tent. Hmm, I don't know why I like tents more.
Anyways, this is beginning to be a long blogg, Im just excited for the summer to start. Then we can go camping and have barbeque's and watermelon ect. Its all great, :)
Well this is the end. Hope whoever reads this now likes to camp either more or likes it all of the sudden, because its so much fun.
Talk to ya later!
Going Private Again
8 years ago