So, I realized its been a really long time since I've written about the goings on around here. So, I decided to write a quick blogg whilst on my break here at work.
So, what to say in a half hour break... yesterday was Mothers day! It was a really pretty day outside, felt like it was in honor of our mothers how beautiful it was outside. We called Justin's parents and talked to them catching up and stuff. They are doing well, his Mom is almost done with college, she is going to be a college advisor to help students figure out their goals and to accomplish exactly what they want to do. She's got two classes left! :)
So, anyways, I just had this Terryaki microwave dish and its... so so. I think it tastes a little weird. Justin and I went shopping the other day for groceries.. Seriously it felt like we just went not over a week ago, which it was just over a week ago and we were completely out of food. Its really weird how fast food dissapears.
So, well, I better get back to work, but I hope you all are loving this new start of Spring... though its raining outside that will make it all the more greener! :)
Going Private Again
8 years ago