~What is your husband's full name? Justin Wayne Aiken
~How long have you been married? 1 year and 15 days
~How long did you date? about 5 months :)
~How old is he? 24, he will be 25 on December 17th
~Who eats more sweets? He does, hehe, he always eats like 10 of the customary treats from the bank and any place that has a treat bowl, :P and he loves liccorice.
~Who said "I love you" first? I said I love you first after the 2nd date... I know, Justin won't ever let that down.
~Who is taller? Justin is about 3- 4” taller than me
~Who can sing the best? I can sing a little better than he can... he absolutely hates singing, hehe, he will hum at church though, :P.
~Who is smarter? Justin is definitely way smarter than I am. Hence the incorrect grammar in that last sentence, lol.
~Who does the laundry? Justin does a lot of the laundry, but I mostly fold and put away the laundry, he mostly washes the laundry.
~Who pays the bills? Justin takes care of all of the money, I just earn it, for now while he's in school, :)
~Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I think Justin sleeps on the right side, he is on my right side anyway.
~Who mows the lawn? We take care of the back lawn, mostly Justin mows the lawn. I love riding lawn mower's too Jess!, :P, if we had one I would totally be the one mowing the lawn.
~Who cooks dinner? A lot of the time Justin makes dinner, and a lot of the time I do, it's half and half, :).
~Who drives? Because we have only one car and Justin has work and school in the same place, I mostly drive the car.
~Who kissed who first? Justin, I kind of knew he was going to but was so nervous that I backed away, but then we kissed after that awkwardness left.
~Who asked who out first? I asked Justin out first, or at least to meet him, it was kind of a blind date. Then, he asked me out on a real date, such a gentlemen.
~Who wears the pants? It's definitely half and half, because Justin does not want to make me sad at all, so he's very careful about what he says. But, he is also stubborn as a mule, as am I if I have something set in my brain, so we try to compromise a lot, :P.