Hello :D
So, I just wanted to write a little post to update everyone on everything that has been goin' on over here. We are doing pretty great! Justin and I have been married for a year and almost 2 months! We really love being together. He is always trying to make me happy and is so happy when I am happy. The only time he is unhappy is when I am mad at him or something. It is so sweet, I am so lucky I have such a great husband. I am working on not getting mad very often. I am doing a lot better I think.
So, anyways, its really going well otherwise. I am still working at Petsmart and Justin is having a lot of fun working at the BYU recording studio. He is in school this spring semester and it's kinda tough for him as he has 8 classes. It's a lot as all of the different professors act as though they are the only ones that are important lol. But, he's pulling through. He definitely cannot wait to graduate, which will hopefully be this December, 2009.
So, yeah, I started a diet a few weeks ago, and it was going pretty well until last night. I really got depressed and really stressed out. I was so grouchy and short tempered. I am certain I should not have been driving these last two days as my road rage was raging and roaring. But, for the life of me I could not figure out what was making me so frustrated and upset about everything and anything. Then I started thinking about our money situation, which everyone now days is having this situation in some way or another. Our debt is piling up and our money is slowly dissapearing. I felt so helpless and so angry at the world. No matter how hard I worked and how much I did, there was no way I could ever be free of the endless weight of debt. Every time I went to the store, I just scrutinized and fussed over how I shouldn't or couldn't get this or couldn't get that or really didn't need that, almost to the point that I would almost bawl the whole way home from the store because I was so stressed out about it. It may sound exaggerated, but when it comes down to it, that's exactly how I felt. Sorry, this is becoming a long post, when I said it was going to be short, lol. Anyways, also to top things off, I am on a diet and I could not drown my feelings in good, salty, fatty fat food. It drove me insane! So, last night after I had almost blown up at Justin, he made me talk about it, and we decided to go get pizza. We went over to my brother and sisters house and ate it so fast I swear it just got vaccumed into space. Mostly because of me, as I really snarfed it down.
So, anyways, everything is better now, as Justin helped me realize that we may be struggling now, but we will be okay if we keep working hard and be frugal. But, the important part is not to go insane being frugal. Just be careful and that's that.
Anyways, i better start to stop this blog as it could go on for days if I don't... seriously, I do have a mouth when it comes to my feelings. Justin can attest and protest if you would like him to about that, lol. Even though he says I'm his favorite subject, even I get frustrated with myself when I just cannot stop talking lol.
So, yah, everything IS going great. OH, I got a new fish tank!!!!!!! Its a 16 gallon bow front aquarium. That's probably what put me over the top yesterday pertaining to money as the fish tank was a big issue. I really am excited about it and am reading and studying and really looking forward to putting the fish in and taking care of them and the aquarium, but it's costly sometimes. But, basically, Justin and I both decided I did need something to take care of as I am quite baby hungry and he's gone a lot at school and work and such. So, it's for my own emotional well being and sanity lol, anyways, I will now stop the blogging.
Have a great day, and I will try to write more often... again. :D