Thursday, February 25, 2010

So, I decided to put some pictures up. They are pictures that were taken either recently or of a while ago. Have fun! :D

We took this one this last fall of '09. We had a lot of fun
throwing leaves around, :P.

This one I took of Jasper because I sometimes get in a dress-up mood. Poor Jasper...

Jasper was just looking too innocent and cute to not take a pic.

Strider & Jasper = Love/Hate relationship

You gotta love it when a dog gives you a smile. :)

This video was taken here at our apartment when I was taking care of this little Shihtzu named "Bella". She was fascinated with the mirror in our room. It was funny to watch so I took a video of it. Hope you like it! :D

Randomly rambling

Hello Everyone! I hope you all are doing good, :D. I am doing great! We have been having a great year so far here in Provo. I just got a brand new Ipod Touch! I absolutely love it! I just added a bunch of new music on there just now and I am excited to try some new music. I now know my favorite genre is definitely pop music. I also like a little bit of country music. :D

So, right now I'm making homemade pizza! For those of you who read my last Facebook wall post, I hope this goes better than the homemade chili. :P

So, I just finished the pizza and it did turn out pretty well. We used our newish pizza stone with homemade pizza dough that had to rise for an hour. We also used pizza sauce and pizza cheese with pork sausage and pepperonis. It was tasty, and very, very filling. So I guess we'll see if it digests properly. :)

I have been trying to get to the gym every day to exercise and it has been going pretty well. It is fun to push yourself a lot and then feel good the rest of the day because of it. Everything is easier to accomplish throughout the day and everyone seems happier because I feel happier!

So, anyways, everyone and everything in my life is just right and wonderful. I have a lot to be grateful for. This Saturday is a big day for me and the community of Utah County. We are trying to build an off-leash dog park in Utah County, a couple of non-profit organizations and I. It looks like we will have a pretty big turnout, and I really hope it is a huge turnout Saturday. If you're interested in coming and I haven't told you already, its this Saturday, the 27th of Feb. at 6PM. We'll be holding the community meeting at the Provo City Library on Univ. Ave. in Provo. It should be a lot of fun and I am excited to have my mother & sister-in-law there, and of course my husband Justin.

Anyways, sometimes I get really focused on a project or program and it kind of takes over my life. This off-leash dog park has been that way for me and I really am excited for when it becomes a reality for Utah County. It's just frustrating how most things can't just happen all at once, it takes a lot of time sometimes to actually happen and become a reality. I just think it will be awesome once it's built and run by the committee. Anyways, I will stop talking about it.

I am really not sure what writing a blog is supposed to really be or what but I hope I'm not boring anyone, lol. So, well, Justin and I are doing well still. Our life together has only been getting better and better. We are more in love with each other than ever and we are learning and growing together, much like a vine of roses or grapes or whatever. We just really love each other, :D.

So, I better stop, but if you would like to comment, I will not complain, :D. Love you guys!