Friday, June 3, 2011

Family Ties

So, I'm writing another blog now, it's been a while. I last wrote in March and now it's June. Not a lot has happened really. Justin and I really enjoy our apartment and it has been fun to live in it. I found out a few weeks ago that we have fresh seedless grapes that are being grown right outside our house that we are allowed to pick and enjoy! :P So, along with the pecan trees we also have some seedless grapes when they ripen and are ready to harvest. Justin and I really enjoy grapes, so that's fun.

Lately, I have been a little under the weather, emotional wise. It has been hard to deal with all of these changes. First, jobs, than moving out of town; I have never done that before; than not having my dog inside the house with me as well as moving away from my family and not being able to see them very often. It has all been rather difficult. I do kind of blame it as well on a birth control shot I got about a month ago that has really kind of messed up my normal system of thinking and dealing with things. But, I think it's starting to smooth out. If not, Justin still is always there for me, rain or shine and he doesn't ever give up on me.

Just yesterday, Justin and I decided to drive to Mesquite (about 35 min. away from us) and go out to eat at the Virgin River. The Virgin River has really cheap entrees that are sooo good and there is always so much food. Justin and I usually split the ham steak dinner and we can't even hardly finish that. :P So, we really enjoyed that last night. Also, on the way there we talked a lot about our future together and that is always bright and fun.

Justin is going to go to school in August, where hopefully I will be pregnant by then. I am pretty excited to get pregnant. It will be hard though considering Justin will be going to school full time and I will probably have to work a little bit. But, the very exciting part is that Justin and I are completely ready to have kids and we're excited to have them. I guess I shouldn't go as far as to say we're Completely ready but we are ready and wanting to move on to this next stage of our life together. It is fun to talk about what kind of traditions we should have as a family and than what we enjoyed as kids that our parents did for us and that we'd like to pass onto our kids.

Mostly, thinking about having kids makes you realize how grateful you are for your parents. Justin and I both had great parents that loved us and did everything they could to make us happy. Its hard to raise kids and to keep everything else in the balance. I guess it's just faith that you have to have when you start a family because you just don't know how life is going to happen. Even though it seems threateningly difficult to have a family it is ultimately rewarding and life changing or so I have heard. And, I think that if Justin and I have been able to make it up till now, we definitely will be able to make it through having our family together.

I am happy though, and Justin is happy as well. We look forward every day to being able to share the next day with each other. We have been spoiled these last three years (almost 4) and it will be a pretty huge adjustment when we do start to have our little kiddies. But, I think if anyone can do it, we can.

I hope everyone in our families are doing well! We love you all very much! We have family living in a lot of different places right now and we really miss all of you! We had so much fun with Justins family this last Monday, Memorial Day, going to Zions National Park and hiking Angels Landing. It was fun to hang out with all of them after as well at a bbq. Also, my family, some of them anyway, are coming this next week and we're VERY excited to see them as well.

Have a great day guys, or night if you all are reading this later in the day! Love you all!

Justin and Sammie