Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

Hi everyone!

So, I hope you all had an awesome Christmas and you all enjoy the gifts you got.  Justin got me a Magic Bullet and the complete set of Calvin and Hobbes as well as a new comforter/sheets.  Avery got lots and lots of toys that she loves already and some cute outfits and some other various, really cute accessories and blankets.  She also got a really cool dog book that she absolutely loves.  Mostly though, her new found all time favorite toy is Christmas lights.  She LOVES them.  Here's a video of her.. eating them.  :P

Justin got a really nice pair of ear phones that connect to a surround sound box.  It's the Astro A40 Audio System if you want to look it up.  He loves them already and it has come in handy while Avery's sleeping.  :)  That was his big present anyway.  I also got him a poster from Community, the TV show.  It's a one of a kind poster though, characterizing his favorite episode. 

So, we had a really good Christmas.  We haven't had any snow yet here in St. George, in fact our landlord just mowed our lawn yesterday.  Today, it's actually pretty warm, not to rub it in to those that have about 10 inches of snow, :P.

So, I thought I'd post a couple videos again.. hope you all like them!

Well, that's it for this week.  See you all next week! :D

P.S. Blogger decided to make the middle paragraphs centered without allowing me to change it, in case you were wondering.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Avery's Laugh

So, I know I missed last week and I'm sorry.  It's been kind of a hectic couple of weeks.  These last two weeks, Avery has started to laugh a little.  She also has been kind of experimenting with rolling over.  I have been desperately trying to get a video of her laughing but I think she knows the camera now and just stares at it wondering why she sees that thing so often in front of her face. :P

This is what happens when I try to take a picture of her laughing:

Avery is doing good though.  We're getting the hang of breastfeeding and I think she's actually going through a growth spurt these last couple of days because she eats a lot. 

Here are some fun pictures I've been taking recently of her:

This is her trying to make some noises while mommy's being silly.

This picture was taken after grandpa Aiken, Tiffany and Kayla left. 
I think she was trying to ask me where they went off to. :P
So, remember when I said I have been trying desperately to get a video of her laughing.  I'm still trying to get a good one, but I did get a little video of her starting to try to laugh.  :) 

Well, this next week is Christmas!  I hope you all have a good one and enjoy yourselves!  :D

Friday, December 7, 2012

Weight Checks and Breastfeeding :)

Hi guys!  I know I'm a little late on this weeks post but I think you'll understand when I explain why. 

So, Avery has been having some weight gain issues as well as some stomach issues.  Apparently, she's allergic to dairy so she was having some really, really poopy diapers full of some great gooey stuff that was mucousy and sometimes bloody.   But, now, with my diet being free of dairy she's getting better.  Also, her weight gain is back on track.  As of this week (because we had a weight check today at the doctor's office) she's gained about 5 ounces where she had only gained about 3 in the previous two weeks.  When you breastfeed babies, apparently gaining about 3-4 ounces a week is normal. 

Through some thorough research that I've done and the advice of the pediatrician, we're now doing breastfeeding a little different.  When she's hungry she definitely lets me know.  I feed her when she's hungry but I let her decide how long she wants to eat and offer both breasts.  This is what has helped her gain weight.  Before, I wasn't necessarily doing it wrong, but I wasn't letting her eat as much as she wanted.  I got some conflicting advice from a nurse saying that she was eating too much and making herself sick.  So, I was taking her off after about 10 minutes on one breast every time so she wouldn't "make herself sick".  Anyway, it wasn't working and she was actually losing weight.  But, now it's going great and she's a happy little hoover! :)

Breastfeeding her has been turning out to be a wonderful experience.  It's so great that I am able to breastfeed her because for a while there I thought I wasn't producing enough.  It made me feel so sad that I couldn't provide the best possible food for her.  But, even if I couldn't have, it would've still been okay.  Any amount of breastfeeding for a baby is great, :). 

Anyway, I thought I post some pictures of Avery in her hoodie I bought her that Justin and I love so much on her.  I also am posting a video of how she wakes up in the morning, it's really cute to say the least.

And here's her "waking up" video:

Well, so, we're supposed to keep coming back to the doctor's office for a weight check every week.  I think it should be great from now on, but we'll keep you all posted on how she's doing with breastfeeding and weight.  :)

Have a great week everyone!