Tuesday, April 1, 2008

To my sweetheart..

So, Im writing a blog about my... yep you guessed it.. my sweetheart. And yes.. it will be cheesy, so if you're not into cheese than you probably should not read this.

I really have realized, not just today, what the true meaning of complete unconditional love means for someone. When they do something wrong, anything in the world wrong, you just want to hug them and tell them you love them. I know maybe I haven't reached that completely yet, but I know its definitely something I feel every day.

So, I think I realized this after I watched the chick flick, 27 dresses. Because usually when you see a chick flick you feel kind of miserable afterwards thinking you don't have what that girl has. But, after I watched it, I felt like a million bucks! I have what she has! It was the greatest feeling in the world.

So, yah, for those that thought they could handle this much mooshy gooshy, you're probably gagging now, but don't worry, the moosh is about to be gooshed.

And so... lol I was going to talk about you know what...lol I cant even say it. But, I think thats illegal with this site, and for those who know me, I could much less think about it without blushing incredibly red, than write it. But sufficeth to say, Justin is a hottie. I think Sufficeth is a scripture word, you know the words that really aren't a word, but the scriptures have a way of making them up. Wow, now that was random, in the same paragraph as something completely and utterly different.

Anyways, well I better stop now, or else my face will seriously start to hurt with the redness and the blushing.

I love you sweetheart (Justin)

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